The saying truth is better than fiction is so true. Yesterday evening the plan was to take the kids out for a bit, return home by 9:00 pm, put them to bed and then hubby and I could take some much needed time to ourselves with a bottle of wine.
Didn't happen.
Instead, we get home at 9:30, get the kids to bed by 9:45, which is still good. 10:30 pm and 2 glasses of wine later, the baby not only wakes up, he has gas and is screaming at the top of his lungs. I didn't think the screaming was that loud until the next day the neighbor's kid came over to play with Savannah and told us that she heard Dylan crying. (Wouldn't be so bad if the neighbor wasn't across the street and down a few houses.) The crying went on for about 45 minutes until the tactic of passing him back and forth finally paid off. 11:42 pm Dylan fell asleep in hubby's arms.
After the buzz wore off, we were left with just plain tired. While hubby went to bed, I decided to hold off on some zzzzz's for a few while waiting to make sure Dylan was okay. The good news; I was able to catch a rerun of Sex and the City (Carrie and Big's first date). And ya know, just when Carrie figured out that Big may be ashamed of her because he takes her to out of the way spots for dates is when I figured out... I think I want some.
So what do I do? That's right ladies, I wake him up with the much appreciated romp. Since I was still on baby watch, I had to make sure it was fast and easy but after 3 weeks it was better than nothing. That's right. I said it.
Just goes to show you that if you really want it, go for it and that's precisely what I did!
Wimpy Mom
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