Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm still standing

and this week has been completely, for lack of a more suitable word, CHAOTIC. My dad is visiting this week and I'm jumping around like a flea trying to quietly prove to him that I have everything under control and that no, my kids are not unruly little brats you see in grocery stores knocking down everything within their sticky little grasps.

But here's the thing.....I don't and yeah, my kid was the one knocking down the baby food...the JAR baby food, which in turn means I get to go to a clerk--red-faced and all--and tell them that they have clean up in aisle seven. Yup, that was me this morning. PLUS, when we get home, my 2 year old somehow removes his diaper and pees all over the tiled floor.

My husband, while mopping, looks at my dad and says, "I bet you remember days like this." I had to laugh just not at that point.

The kicker is that it's only early afternoon. We (I should say I cuz hubby goes to work this afternoon) have the rest of the afternoon running after the kids, cleaning up pee and Lord knows what else while avoiding the amused look on their grandpa's face.

With all that said, I have to admit that I wouldn't change it for the world. Instead old of my two year old doing #1, it could've been #2...on the carpet. Am I right? And quite frankly breaking that jar in the grocery store made the clerks earn their money like everyone else because when I went up to confess, they were sure enough standing around and gossiping. So nope, wouldn't change it for the world.


Wimpy Mom
Angels? I mean Angels!


  1. LOL! Yes, you're lucky it wasn't number 2! Ooooh,I DO feel for you! Mine are 6 and 9. But I remember the baby and toddler stage quite clearly.

    And yes, they are darling angels!

  2. Thank you. My daughter is 6 and just hit that talking back stage. Please, oh, please tell me it gets better. LOL

  3. Oh my gosh, your little ones are so cute! (Yes, I can say that because I didn't spend the morning chasing them and cleaning up after them ... but they truly are!)

  4. Thank you. That's the only reason they can get away with it. LOL. The brighter side is that they all go to bed at 8:00(am I lucky or what?) which allows me time to blog/write/bake.
