Monday, July 13, 2009

Finally, some good news!

Writing for me has been all but pushed to the side for a minute--although, today I received a rejection on a query I had sent back in early March. (Are you kidding me?) But The Cookie Mill has been plenty busy. Last week I had record orders and before you get too excited, I need to clarify I've only been open for business for 3 weeks. The ad placed in the local newspaper definitely helped.
Then last week I get an e-mail from an editor from a local taste section in The Tribune, a local newspaper, saying they were impressed with my site and asked for an interview. Needless to say, things may be picking up. Then this week, things died down again but that's the usual case for people coming off of the weekend. Tomorrow will hopefully be better. If not, then last week was a fluke that I very much enjoyed. (At least until the sugar cookie incident.)

Here are just a few treats I did from last week and even had repeat customers. Yippeee!!!!!!
Mini cheesecakes w/a creamy chocolate drizzle

Double stuffed chocolate brownies

The "Do not touch" sign was for hubby


Wimpy Mom

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Can hectic ever be a good thing?

For me, the answer is absolutely. This past week my business officially opened with an ad in a local newspaper. We received several calls asking price and quite a few orders, some of which I screwed up and had to do over. (Don't ask).

I thought this would be a fun thing to do with my kids but thus far the only thing I'm doing with them is chasing them and their toys out of the kitchen. (Question, why do they always leave their sharpest toys on the floor when you're walking around barefoot?)

Yesterday I delivered my biggest order ever (4 dz mini-cheesecakes). It was for a shower so I hope this generates more sales. All in all, I gotta say I LOVE doing this. I love piling into the car with my family to make a delivery. I love the way Savannah tells me she wants to wear The Cookie Mill T-shirt when I make my deliveries. I love it when she asks if we have any orders. (I hate telling her "no".)

So this week I introduced another cookie--The Peanut Butter Delight. Haven't sold any yet but I'm offering them as an add on to orders of over $15 or more. I'll let you know how it goes.

Peanut Butter Delight

Gotta go. I've been more than 10 minutes in another room and the kids are suspiciously quiet.


Wimpy Mom