Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There is this half peanut on our spare bedroom floor. It's been there looking at me for the past 2 weeks and everytime I happen upon it I have laundry, baby, something in my hands to give me the excuse, "Can't pick it up now, I'll get it later."

For some reason, later never comes and it still sits there in the middle of the floor. Each and every time I step over it with some excuse as to why I "can't" pick it up.

This morning after dropping off my daughter at school, with fussing, agitated children in tow, my husband and I finally went supply shopping for some of the items I need for my business venture. This has been days in the making because everytime I planned to go it was either raining, I was tired from the night before, etc.... You name it, I had an excuse for it.

Bags and receipts

Today was the day I picked up that dang peanut on the floor, symbolically speaking. I purchased those items that would get me a little closer to my dream. And when I got home--even with laundry in my hands--I bent down and picked up that half peanut just like I said I would...finally.

If it was only that easy to lose weight....<>


Wimpy Mom

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sleep schmeep. Who needs it?

Whoever it was that said a person needs 8-9 hours of sleep at night definitely wasn't a mom of a baby, a toddler and a 6-year-old.

Here's what last night looked like:

Bed at eleven. baby wakes up at midnight. pretend I'm asleep so hubby will have to get up. (I'll pay for that later.)get another hour of sleep. get up at 1:30am and ask hubby,
"did the baby wake up?"

he grumbles "yes."

I tell him "sorry, I didn't hear him. I'll handle him next time he wakes up." (Secretly smiling to myself)

We all go to bed. 20 minutes later, two-year-old wakes up coughing from a cold he has had for the past few days. wakes baby up who starts crying. i get up (see above promise). finally put baby back to sleep at two-ish or so. can't sleep. lay in bed thinking about my cookie business. finally go to sleep at three-ish or so. begins thundering and lightening. wakes baby but luckily he goes right back to sleep.

i don't.

Fall asleep again 30 minutes later only to wake up and realize there's no hot water in the bottle for the baby in the morning if the electricity goes out. get up at 4:00 am and boil water in the storm, hoping the lights don't go out before I finish. water done but there's something floating around in it. pour water out and start all over and decide to sterlize bottles this too. finish at 4:30 am. go back to bed. wake up at 6:00am and wait for the baby so I can begin my day.

So did the electricty go off, you ask?

Does it matter?

Good night/morning. I'm going back to bed.


Wimpy Mom

Monday, May 18, 2009

One day at a time

That's my new mantra. Simple but oh so true. Dude was off yesterday so we spent the day with the kids. What started off as touchy turned into fussy then irritating but I am happy to announce ended with peace.

Then the games began. At four this morning, Brandon woke up. Eventually, he went back to sleep but woke me up in the meantime. Twenty minutes later, Dylan wakes up and he wasn't as easy. The next hour was spent watching infomercials as I tried fruitlessly to rock him back to sleep. Eventually HE fell back to sleep as did I an hour or so later.

I woke up this morning, preparing to be the step-sister of the wicked witch of the East (or was that West?) Anyway, as angry/tired as I thought I would be the exact opposite happened and all because my wonderful husband took the reins. The one thing I truly admire about my husband is that when he's sees I'm at my ropes end, he steps in. (I guess this means more than a bottle of cheap cologne for Father's Day, huh?)

Tag team system at work

So far, a good day, which is why I'm blogging now. Later may not be so pretty. I guess I should say one MINUTE at a time.

****Excuse the errors. Dylan waking up. Didn't have time to proof. But you get the point.****


Wimpy Mom

Friday, May 15, 2009

A dream no longer deferred

This wonderful-magnificent-beautiful-makes me wanna cry tears of joy-picture right here:
Allowed mommy to finally do this picture here:
It's hard to read but yes, folks, I did it. I officially ordered business cards that will be here within the next few weeks. Between dishes, cleaning bottles, scrubbing crayon, paint and who knows what else off the walls, I finally sat down and ordered business cards for my cookie business. I know it's just a small start but it's a start nonetheless.

I wish everyone could see how absolutely excited I am for this!!

Okay, now back to the laundry.


Wimpy Mom

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm still standing

and this week has been completely, for lack of a more suitable word, CHAOTIC. My dad is visiting this week and I'm jumping around like a flea trying to quietly prove to him that I have everything under control and that no, my kids are not unruly little brats you see in grocery stores knocking down everything within their sticky little grasps.

But here's the thing.....I don't and yeah, my kid was the one knocking down the baby food...the JAR baby food, which in turn means I get to go to a clerk--red-faced and all--and tell them that they have clean up in aisle seven. Yup, that was me this morning. PLUS, when we get home, my 2 year old somehow removes his diaper and pees all over the tiled floor.

My husband, while mopping, looks at my dad and says, "I bet you remember days like this." I had to laugh just not at that point.

The kicker is that it's only early afternoon. We (I should say I cuz hubby goes to work this afternoon) have the rest of the afternoon running after the kids, cleaning up pee and Lord knows what else while avoiding the amused look on their grandpa's face.

With all that said, I have to admit that I wouldn't change it for the world. Instead old of my two year old doing #1, it could've been #2...on the carpet. Am I right? And quite frankly breaking that jar in the grocery store made the clerks earn their money like everyone else because when I went up to confess, they were sure enough standing around and gossiping. So nope, wouldn't change it for the world.


Wimpy Mom
Angels? I mean Angels!

Monday, May 11, 2009

More.Mother's.Day. Puhleeeese!

Okay, so I'm coming down from my Mother's Day high. We had my youngest son Christened--and he didn't even fuss--and my husband bought me exactly what I wanted...the expensive stainless steel mixer I needed/desperately wanted for my business venture.
Nice, huh? BUT the gift of all gifts was when dude took the kids (ALL of them) to the beach for a couple of hours. The house was empty. Not empty as in 2 kids are gone and one is asleep in the back bedroom. I mean the house was COMPLETELY empty. I think I just sat in silence and sighed for the full two hours.

I love my family but dear Lord, sometimes an empty house is a cherished house. Check out the individual mini-cheesecakes below:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Would someone please tell me when our job description changed to Superwoman?

...benefits, overtime and even lunch breaks NOT included.

Sheesh! I hate to sound like a whiner but let's face it, there is not enough money on this planet to pay stay-at-home moms. And if you give me the BS about raising a beautiful child is the reward itself, I'll take one of the many dirty diapers stuffed in the cushions of my couch and beat you with it.

I've worked outside the home and I know that on occasion you can take a long lunch, cut out early or even when the boss is out sick, relax most of that day. Well, when your boss is a screaming baby who is never OUT sick (notice I said OUT sick because when your little boss gets sick, that's when your non-paying overtime kicks in.) there are no breaks.

So sometimes I wonder why it is that I am attempting to take on more of a workload with my cookie company venture and the answer is quite simple. Honestly, I am looking forward to doing something with my daughter and even when they get older, my sons can partake in the business.

In hindsight, as much as I complain the more I understand how passionate I am about motherhood. That said, I KNOW there had better be a small square aqua colored box with Tiffany's printed on the top for me on Mother's Day. (Yeah, I said it!)


Wimpy Mom