Thursday, April 30, 2009

We finally had the sex talk

Last night my husband complained that I'm more like a mother than a wife. My response was, "Ya think?"

The pressures of having 3 kids--especially with two boys under the age of 3--is extremely difficult. I almost feel like anyone with kids should get their own reality show whether or not you have thirty-two arms and legs running around. (That would be 8 kids, right?) Even as I type this, the baby is fussing but I am bound and determined to get this in.

When my husband complained last night, my first thought was that I agreed with him. My second, Would this be a bad time to start my cookie business? The truth is, I'm not a spring chicken anymore and I have been a wife and mother for nearly 10 years. While there's nothing wrong with that I want to earn my own money and be able to show Savannah, my 6 yr old daughter that there is such a thing as a SUCCESSFUL working mommy.
Savannah at the Community Service march for her school

Next blog I want to demonstrate that yup, I believe I'd be even more content as a working mom. (Look up the debates on that one;)


Wimpy Mom

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm not crazy....really.

So the past few days have been plenty hectic. Dylan, the youngest at almost 6 mos, fusses everytime I set him down--which makes for going to the potty very interesting. Brandon has hit that irritating faze where every answer is a whiny no that shrills in your ears for hours on end and Savannah...dear Savannah. My eldest is an incredible help around the house but at 6 she still needs that attention that I just don't have to give.

What would make this situation any more chaotic? How about deciding to start your own business? Am I crazy? Maybe.

For the last few days I have been getting together ideas for my own cookie/brownie catering type thing. Between the fussing and scraped knees I've managed to design business cards (don't have them ordered yet b/c I'm still unsure of the exact products), price a few items that MAY be offered and do some research on recipes.

The fact that after a full hectic day of kids and I'm still excited about this possible venture may be a good sign. Hmmmmm.


Wimpy Mom

Friday, April 24, 2009

Feminine Products do not work on a child

Found that out today when we ran out of diapers. I have 3 kids and never in my life have I run out of diapers. I was never one of THOSE mothers. Me? I was determined to be at least one step ahead of everything.

Then it happened.

Bathed the baby and lo and behold, not a single diaper anywhere. Not stuffed in the couch by Brandon, not fastened to one of Savannah's dolls, nothing. So I do what any mother does in this situation---she becomes creative. I found an old pair of his bloomie shorts and stuck a pantyline in the crouch for a little added protection. If he went number two, I was screwed.

That got me to the store but unfortunately, he went and it got all over the place. So just a world of caution people, feminine products do not work on a child. So now I know. <>


The Wimpy Mom

Monday, April 20, 2009

Want to lose unwanted baby weight?

........have kids.

A friend asked me that exact question the other day and with that response she kinda looked at me and nodded. Two days later she called said, "Ohhhh, I get it!" Well, I guess standup isn't in my immediate future.

The thing about that is, I'm serious. I can feed my kids a full meal, dessert and a snack for added fullness and I swear to you they will STILL beg for that one piece of bread I have clutched in my hand--you know, the only thing you've eaten all day because you were busy catering to them. It never fails.

What I don't understand is, why is my butt still big?

So, I've been thinking. I love my kids but I need something more in my life. So aside from watching reality shows, what do I love to do? And the answer came as quickly as I had asked the question.

Write and bake!! Since things are kinda slow on the writing front, baking it is.

So, here's the deal. I've decided to some baking on the side for profit, mostly cookies, brownies and banana bread. I'm testing recipes now and by this summer I hope to charge a small fortune for my delicacies. The goal is to make enough to pay off my credit cards and hopefully have something fun Savannah and I can do together.

We'll see.


Wimpy Mom

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sex? What's that?


The saying truth is better than fiction is so true. Yesterday evening the plan was to take the kids out for a bit, return home by 9:00 pm, put them to bed and then hubby and I could take some much needed time to ourselves with a bottle of wine.

Didn't happen.

Instead, we get home at 9:30, get the kids to bed by 9:45, which is still good. 10:30 pm and 2 glasses of wine later, the baby not only wakes up, he has gas and is screaming at the top of his lungs. I didn't think the screaming was that loud until the next day the neighbor's kid came over to play with Savannah and told us that she heard Dylan crying. (Wouldn't be so bad if the neighbor wasn't across the street and down a few houses.) The crying went on for about 45 minutes until the tactic of passing him back and forth finally paid off. 11:42 pm Dylan fell asleep in hubby's arms.

After the buzz wore off, we were left with just plain tired. While hubby went to bed, I decided to hold off on some zzzzz's for a few while waiting to make sure Dylan was okay. The good news; I was able to catch a rerun of Sex and the City (Carrie and Big's first date). And ya know, just when Carrie figured out that Big may be ashamed of her because he takes her to out of the way spots for dates is when I figured out... I think I want some.

So what do I do? That's right ladies, I wake him up with the much appreciated romp. Since I was still on baby watch, I had to make sure it was fast and easy but after 3 weeks it was better than nothing. That's right. I said it.
Just goes to show you that if you really want it, go for it and that's precisely what I did!
Wimpy Mom

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is it just me?

Welcome all,

While I take time to get this blog together, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a mom of 3 kids ages 6, 2, and 5 months. When I was single, I prided myself on being able to handle ANY situation in the workplace. (Did I mention I was in Corporate for years and climbing that proverbial ladder?) Well, now I'm a stay-at-home mom and a failed but still trying somewhat children's author.

Let me break it down for you. You know you've hit the right blog when any of the following are you.

1. Do you crouch behind the fridge and inhale a dinner of hot dogs and mac & cheese just so you can eat in peace without the kids finding you? (Don't worry, they'll eat later.)

2. Do you go to the bathroom and push out the pee b/c it's not coming out fast enough? (The little one is about to start crying any minute now.) And forget #2. That can wait until after bedtime.

3. Are you still trying to lose that weight from the FIRST baby?

4. Are you skimming this blog as quickly as possibly because you know the kids will pop their little heads in, asking what you're doing?

If you answered yes to any of the following, then you've made the right blog stop.

In this blog I plan to give the good, bad and ugly of parenting mostly because I hear from my childless friends about how having kids ain't so hard. Yeah, okay. We'll see.