Monday, April 20, 2009

Want to lose unwanted baby weight?

........have kids.

A friend asked me that exact question the other day and with that response she kinda looked at me and nodded. Two days later she called said, "Ohhhh, I get it!" Well, I guess standup isn't in my immediate future.

The thing about that is, I'm serious. I can feed my kids a full meal, dessert and a snack for added fullness and I swear to you they will STILL beg for that one piece of bread I have clutched in my hand--you know, the only thing you've eaten all day because you were busy catering to them. It never fails.

What I don't understand is, why is my butt still big?

So, I've been thinking. I love my kids but I need something more in my life. So aside from watching reality shows, what do I love to do? And the answer came as quickly as I had asked the question.

Write and bake!! Since things are kinda slow on the writing front, baking it is.

So, here's the deal. I've decided to some baking on the side for profit, mostly cookies, brownies and banana bread. I'm testing recipes now and by this summer I hope to charge a small fortune for my delicacies. The goal is to make enough to pay off my credit cards and hopefully have something fun Savannah and I can do together.

We'll see.


Wimpy Mom

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