Friday, September 25, 2009

Back on track

The past few weeks have been a struggle, to say the least. But the great news is that I'm back on track--with writing, with the cookie business and most importantly, with the family.

For some reason everything started falling apart the past few weeks, hence why I haven't blogged in awhile. It seemed like everything was crashing down and the kids even started acting up. It's like they're on a timer. As soon as things get rough, they become that proverbial icing on the cake. Hubby and I were fighting like cats and dogs (I know, a writer should be able to come up with a better cliche <>) but I have a baby who is about to wake up in 0.4 seconds. No time to think.

Anyway, things seems to be settling. I've even gotten 4 chapters in my new WIP, plus, I've started working out with weights again---something that I seriously needed for physcial as well as mental health.

Gotta head out. (Sorry for the errors. No proofreading time either.) I kid you not, the baby is crying. Welcome to the life of a wimpy mom.