Friday, June 26, 2009

Explaining death to a child

Wow! This has not come up before and unfortunately, there is no template that explains exactly what you should say when your six year old asks, "what does dead mean?"

As we all know--or at least anyone with ears--Michael Jackson died on June 25th 2009. As our entire family is enjoying his videos that are being played all day on several music stations, in mid-dance my daughter reads the scrolls at the bottom of the screen and asks, "what do they mean when it says Michael Jackson is dead?"

All dancing stops.

Honestly, I'm not one to sugar coat things like telling her that the stork brings babies. HOWEVER, I do let her know how things SHOULD BE but not necessarily done. For instance, telling her that a man and a woman copulate and then the woman becomes impregnanted, carrying the baby for 9 mos until that excruciating moment when the baby is ready to burst through her privates just doesn't sound very appealing.

Instead I tell her, "a man and woman meet, date for awhile and then the man proposes (or the woman) and they get married. Then comes the babies.

That's it. Period! I'm sure she'll ask more later but for now, that'll do.

So when it comes to death, I tell her exactly what I believe. Although we on earth will miss them, the person going to heaven is excited to meet The Lord and that they will never again have anymore pain on this earth and that one day we'll join them and have that same joy they are now experiencing. In fact, Michael Jackson is with grandma, having a wonderful time.

It's worked only because I say it with such conviction because I truly believe that's our ultimate goal while on this earth.

RIP Michael Jackson. Time to introduce a new generation to a very talented man.


Wimpy Mom

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