Monday, June 1, 2009

The quiet before the storm

Or at least the somewhat quiet. This past week has been hectic with the kids going into overdrive with the whining and the never-ending laundry that just keeps reappearing out of nowhere.

Those things I'm used to.

But couple that with trying to get a website up, researching marketing, planning a birthday party for my dad and trying last minute recipes for the officially cookie business, which is supposed to happen sometime this month and you have a recipe for disaster.

(Get it, recipe? Maybe that's why I gave writing a break.)

So, that said, I took some time and hung out with kids. Yesterday my daughter and I had Girl's Day Out and saw a movie and had lunch. By the time we got home, dude was furiously rubbing his temples, ignoring a crying baby, a hungry toddler and an Elmo tape shouting in the background.

I suppose I should feel sorry for him but I deal with that mess everyday. It's his turn. Hmmph! (He's a great sport, though.)

Cards should be in on Friday, website should be up soon and I should be in business within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy the kids as much as possible.


Wimpy Mom
Having fun in the pool


  1. Aww I love Girls Day Out. I need my husband to seriously get on that bandwagon.

  2. We had a great time. I keep telling myself we have/need to do this more often.
